Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Content Outline

       And now on to the final project! I'm trying to get ahead on this parts so I can begin recording because it's a video to do!

        Introduce myself and what I'm going to be talking about (me), discuss premise of the work, meaning why I'm talking about it, what exactly I'll discuss which i think will be how this helped me with time management and where/how I often worked. I don't think I'll need much to grab attention except for myself, I mean come on pretty girl (considering the Elle Woods Harvard entrance video type of video essay because wouldn't that be hilarious).


      Time management

  • Much of the work I accomplished on the weekends because of other work
    • Proves I learned scheduling
  • Working straight for 5 hours- efficient? bad? Doing most my work in a tea shop and how that probably helped or hindered
    • Socializations effects on my work and quality of work
    • studies on how much work is good at a time
  • Choosing which blog posts and the like would be done first and which I could quickest and what needed to be in certain order, weighing to pros and cons I suppose
    • Balancing work load

      Work in Different Genres

  • I have previous experience in lots of genres, conventional writing, poetry, video, podcast, blog platforms
    • Proof share? show poetry and/or other podcast?
  • This has probably helped me this semester
    • I already knew different format conventions for the different genres so I knew what to expect a little better
  • How mucbh did it helped tho?
    • I was still fucking confused
       Working with Others
  • I worked with others a lot in this course
  • People in class on their project and teamwork for little project
    • Collaborations on podcasts for voice differences, that one time we had to make a video essay in class
  • Importance of having others check over work
    • Peer reviews helped in most cases
    • Boyfriend found like 10 instances of "quite ridiculous" in my last essay

        Closing this project I will express my joy at being done, my enjoyment of the class and why this project was even worth doing. This all overall was important because my writing style has probably changed a lot over just this single semester and I will be surprised to see how much more it may change. This self reflection is important to see how character has changed in relation to work and how my motivation for writing is more driven now that I know I can accomplish so much in so short a time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alexis!

    First off, an Elle Woods Harvard admission video entrance would be amazing. Do it. Please. I like how your outline is organized and I think you will have plenty to talk about. However, your outline is not extremely detailed so I can't give you feedback about specifics. I think referring to your previous work to talk about learning different genres will be really interesting.

    One thing I think you can add in your closing is how learning the skills you learned this semester in English can apply to other aspects of your life.

    Great outline though!

    Erica Mohr
