Friday, April 29, 2016

Production Report B

        More of my script, very very rough sorry

     Same as the other one, it's still in script form which I think fits well. I did include some sort of transition things I may want to add to give it some humor and so its not just my face people are watching in the video. It's rough but it is just right now scratch ideas.

      It fits genre conventions, because its stick with the idea that this will be generated into video format soon and its a script to read and for some formation of the other dynamics of the video

Outline Item
  Work in Different Genres

  • I have previous experience in lots of genres, conventional writing, poetry, video, podcast, blog platforms
    • Proof share? show poetry and/or other podcast?
  • This has probably helped me this semester
    • I already knew different format conventions for the different genres so I knew what to expect a little better
  • How mucbh did it helped tho?
    • I was still fucking confused

Adaptation of Outline Item

Overall I didn’t have problems with the subjects in this class that we were analyzing, I had previous experience in analysis of rhetorical situations, perhaps not in the exact way this class presented it but definitely before. In fact nearly my entire last english class was about analyzing strategies within works and it feels like that helped tie in a bunch of research in this course.
Now I want to talk to you about the different genres we did in this class, and how I think I had a bit of a leg up on it all, and that maybe that helped me overall. The different genres we had to do included a standard college essay, a podcast, a video essay and a QRG. I started off with a QRG and it went fine, but I still don’t exactly know what a QRG is.I figured with writing experience it couldn’t be that hard, having written plenty of papers, poems and blogging otherwise it couldn’t be that bad. I still don’t know where I went wrong. *slow dramatic panning over QRG with some crime show like music dramaaaaa*

The podcast for the second project went a lot better. My experience with podcasts was a lot more recent too, I had just created one the previous semester with my roommate, and while the podcast never went farther than a few episodes, combining that with my knowledge of how a podcast should sound from listening to things like Welcome to Nightvale, and Wolf359 *show cover art for both*, I was able to formulate my podcast pretty damn well. I knew how much speaking and transitional music would give it a professional quality and not distract or detract from what was being said. So I think in that instance I really had used my previous experience to my advantage in regards to conventions and the like

The third project was most comfortable to me because it was public argument *scene from Legally Blonde about being comfortable about using legal jargon in everyday* and so I did it in my most comfortable format, the essay. I’ve probably written like 200 essays in my life so it was easy to get this one out of the way and done pretty well if I do say so myself. It was a good one to do during the time period it was, with a lot of other projects and tests I was able to finish it well. It seemed like a lot of how well it went in this class was connected with how you paired the projects with a certain genre.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alexis!
    So I think your script is great so far. I'm glad someone else just posted the script of their video instead of the filmed portion because I did that too! My only recommendation is to actually film it so that your visuals are more effective, because I think they have lots of potential. Also maybe add a little more detail to each project like how it helped your writing/creating process, but only if that's something you want to focus on. I think this is a great length for one of your supporting areas which is what it is, if I'm reading the outline correctly. Great job so far!
