Thursday, April 28, 2016

Production Report A

      WHoo starting in on that good ol rough draft are we, yes we are, I am exhausted but fuck it here it goes. SOmewhat

        The form for this adaptation of the outline is just in script form, as I'm trying to get it done quickly so that I can film it soon. The form is very loose since I mostly just want to talk to the camera freely since it's a personal reflection and not a specific study or argument like the previous projects. I think in the genre convention sense this fits with video essay because its a script in the loose sense and there's a lot that will be up to the situation that I will be recording in. Also its very rough because I gotta figure it out as I go

         The production challenge here was feeling he motivation to actually get the work done instead of just sleeping or studying for a test tomorrow or any number of things that also really need done. But whatever its coming along pretty well if I do say so myself. Creative epiphany: I may not be able to do an Elle Woods video, I can certainly include at least one clip from it.

Outline Item
        Introduce myself and what I'm going to be talking about (me), discuss premise of the work, meaning why I'm talking about it, what exactly I'll discuss which i think will be how this helped me with time management and where/how I often worked. I don't think I'll need much to grab attention except for myself, I mean come on pretty girl (considering the Elle Woods Harvard entrance video type of video essay because wouldn't that be hilarious).


      Time management

  • Much of the work I accomplished on the weekends because of other work
    • Proves I learned scheduling
  • Working straight for 5 hours- efficient? bad? Doing most my work in a tea shop and how that probably helped or hindered
    • Socializations effects on my work and quality of work
    • studies on how much work is good at a time
  • Choosing which blog posts and the like would be done first and which I could quickest and what needed to be in certain order, weighing to pros and cons I suppose
    • Balancing work load

Adaptation of Outline Item

Hi everyone, well it’s me, Alexis, I’m coming to you today to talk about everything that’s happened this semester in a moment of self reflection upon my different writing experiences in this English course. To start off with I’d like to say that this has been the most effort I’ve had to put in to an English class probably in years, it was a ton of work. The major points of reflection in this work include my new skill of time management, how working in different genres before all this was helpful, and how working with others throughout the course was a big deal.

Body P 1:

I came into this class like, alright I got this it's just English. And I promptly missed the first deadline. It flew by me and I practically hadn’t even noticed it until the next day and half of those awful long blog posts weren’t even close to being done. I think this course has been primarily a learning experience in time management, because balancing about 20 blog posts throughout the first couple of projects was really terribly hard with everything else, especially when I then added 10 hours of ant observation every week to the pile, the time within which I could do the necessary work for this class was shortened even more. I gave myself the weekend always, but with the 20+ blog posts it was still majorly rough. Real time management didn’t come to me until after the first project was done and most of the second project was done as well. By then post size had been halved so it was easier.

I think a main part of my time management came through that I would always work for about 5 hours straight at Scented Leaf, the tea place I spend my life at. I would go and do this nearly every Saturday and get the majority of work done. Perhaps not efficient use of time but it was how it started out. Of course this eventually morphed better where I wouldn't only take that time to do all the English work, spreading it out during the week , which was necessary because of both the workload and because I had begun to make friends at the tea house that would endlessly talk to me and my work was no longer undisturbed or efficiently done. So there were pros and cons of working there.

Another aspect of the time management for this class was trying to prioritize things like blog posts and research and writing. I had to figure out what I could get done in a certain amount of time and what could stand to be late or done in ten minutes to be redone later, better. I don’t have much to add to this yet gotta think about it. But i want to talk about it. This class overall has helped me with getting better at time mangement yeas

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