Saturday, April 2, 2016

Production Schedule

      To tackle a large project it's important to have a plan on how to schedule time and what needs to be done.


  • Needs to be done: Writing it
  • Where: Anywhere, but best somewhere I can focus and have some silence
  • When: Since it's an introduction it could be written at the beginning, however I've heard that ultimately it's best to write an introduction once you've finished with everything else. Saturday
  • Resources: Computer
  • Completed:
  • Changes: 
Body Sections:

  • Needs to be done: Research for each section, making sure I have the necessary citations for any sort of arguments I want to make, then I can begin writing 
  • Where: Somewhere I can focus, Not the dorm room at 2 am
  • When: Soooner rather than later Hopefully by friday I will be writing this 
  • Resources: Computer, Internet for research
  • Completed:
  • Changes: 
Closing Sections:
  • Needs to be done: Citations made, deciding on a way to perfectly wrap up the subject in an emotional appeal. Writing it
  • Where: Anywhere, easiest part of the writing, sometimes best talking with people about it 
  • When: Once everything else has been done, or everything bu the intro perhaps, Saturday as well
  • Resources: Internet for citations, computer
  • Completed:
  • Changes: 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alexis, I reviewed your production schedule. Here is my review:

    Good Luck on the Project!
