Thursday, April 7, 2016

Production Report A

     Look at me a whole day early! And getting shit done!

      The form I'm presenting this section in fits the general form of the standard college essay, an introduction paragraph in fact, the added quotes along the top are the "hook" that will hopefully make the readers interested in the rest of the what I will be saying.

       The production is going fairly well for this section, I'm ahead of the schedule that I was expecting me to be on and thats a huge achievement.

Outline Item
       Explanation of what the project is about. Discussion  of what exactly pronouns are and why using a gender neutral one may be important to our society, explain why want to use they as the third person gender neutral singular pronoun. Sections want to discuss; choices of gender neutral pronouns that have been suggested and put out, why they may be most seamlessly accepted. How a gender neutral pronoun is completely acceptable and grammatically correct in English. Make a concession paragraph for counter arguments. 

Adaptation of Outline Item
My doctor told me to take it easy; they recommended only walking if I want to be active.”
“They probably know what’s best, since they’re a doctor.”

The above interaction probably does not draw any attention as being out of the ordinary, in fact, it could be something overheard or said personally and it would never seem out of place in day-to-day conversation. However, some people seem to think that using they as a singular pronoun is incorrect, and should not be used when referring to a person one knows. Much of this argument is rising from the surge of visibility for trans, genderqueer, and nonbinary individuals; who may not particularly like being addressed by a gendered pronoun such as he or she. The English language has no real neutral pronoun that some other languages have, and so it was naturally proposed that the pronoun ‘they’, which is already used in daily speech  in address of a person of some unspecified gender, should fill this role. And yet, while widely accepted, there are still those who want to argue that it shouldn’t be used, or that we don’t even need such pronouns.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alexis!

    Overall I think that this is a solid start to your piece, but I have a few suggestions for you. First, I think it's important that the last sentence introduce the argument somewhat more clearly, since I'm not sure what about the argument you'll be writing about. Also, I think it may be a good idea to introduce the two sides more clearly, unless that's too hard to do.

    Hope this helps!
