Saturday, April 2, 2016

Content Outline

        It's important to outline a project before beginning, even if you don't stick to the project outline completely it gives you a good idea for how you want to go about the project as well as structuring arguments or what research you need to do.

       Explanation of what the project is about. Discussion  of what exactly pronouns are and why using a gender neutral one may be important to our society, explain why want to use they as the third person gender neutral singular pronoun. Sections want to discuss; choices of gender neutral pronouns that have been suggested and put out, why they may be most seamlessly accepted. How a gender neutral pronoun is completely acceptable and grammatically correct in English. Make a concession paragraph for counter arguments.

Body Sections:

  1. Why using they is a good choice for gender neutral singular pronoun
    • Other options promoted
      • Shows how there is most definitely a need for a gender neutral pronoun, as well as a desire for one among people (Yo! Mama)
    • Use of 'they' already common
      • We already use the pronoun for people all the time, and yet people are against it once presented in the context of a specific person 
  2. 'They' is Grammatical
    • Used in everyday speech
      • Shows again the holdups against it don't really have to do with grammar
    • Accepted by Academics 
      • It isn't just something that people on the internet or the "millennials" solely use. It is a large part of speech in all spheres
    • Examples in Grammar
      • Experiment by Foertsch and Gernsbacher, how don't notice the changes
  3. Concessions
    • Arguments against 'they' pronoun
      • Shows that this is not a one sided argument and has actual fleshed out details 
Closing Sections:
           To close the essay I'm sure I'll connect it all back to the importance of a need for a gender neutral pronoun, using some emotional appeals, how everyone has a right to be addressed in the gender they relate to and identify as. 

1 comment:

  1. I really really like your idea, I think it's extremely relevant, especially the part about how people think it's just millennials and internet users that want a gender neutral pronoun, but it's not.
    I feel like your outline could use some more details as far as the proof goes. It would be really nice to see some information that could be cited with sources to make your argument stronger.
    I think you definitely understand the rhetorical situation of the project, however you might want to consider your audience and the fact that they might not all agree with you. It might be helpful to address some counterarguments in your paper and try to come up with a response to them.
