Sunday, April 3, 2016

Peer Review for Ben Barnett

        Already in this project we're analyzing each others work and making comments on how it should be altered. This is practicing our editorial skills to be able to better make corrections in our own work.

Who: Ben Barnett

What: Content Outline

Activity: Making an Outline Suggestion
         I commented on the amount of detail he put into his Content Outline in regards to explanation of importance .

How I Helped: 
         I think I helped him with specificity in the outline, which hopefully down the road  will help him know what to focus on in his essay.

Incorporation of Readings:
         I have never read the book to be honest, but I think I incorporated general themes of the course into the advise I gave

         Ben really had everything laid out well, and had his sources laid out with where they would go in his work, and is much more put together in everything than I am. I admire his work ethic in getting shit done.

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