Thursday, March 31, 2016

Rhetorical Analysis of Project 3

      Project 2 ends...... And almost immediately is the next project. At least each project is a large step towards the end of my first semester in college. So here's the synopsis for Project 3:

     I feel pretty assured about this project actually, Since it's an argument and I did a very multi media genre last project, I'm only doing a standard college essay for this project. What we did in class was exceptionally helpful to my complete understanding of the project and what sort of focus or subject matter it should be on.

      I have a lot of interest in the subject I am going to work with in this project; the singular pronoun They. The interest in this subject is both personal and connected to a lot of societal/political interests as well. As a member of the LGBT+ community and having many friends in the community as well, this subject is close to home since many of my friends prefer this gender neutral pronoun.
       Along with that as more and more of the LGBT+ community is "normalized" it makes sense socially for us  to be able to not only address people we do not know in a gender neutral way, but also people we do know without the use of "he/she" that ignores those that do not identify specifically with a gender.

       A personal bias that I might bring to this project is that I firmly believe that the singular they is both grammatically accurate and completely acceptable for everyday use I hope to just play on that to to have a focus on how the issue may not be acceptable in either of these places.


  1. The audience for this work will hopefully be anyone that is either interested in learning more about how to use the singular they pronouns, or people that already know about the subject but wish to understand the arguments behind it a bit better.
  2. The beliefs and assumptions for the audience for this work may be a wide range. It could be those staunchly against any use of they as a singular pronoun,or it could be those that are incredibly for the use of the singular they, and perhaps even those in use of it for themselves. I want to make sure that I address all these views.
  3. Because of the variation in specific audience, the reactions by those in my audience may also be prone to wildly fluctuating. 
  4. To relate to the audience I want to not use too many terms that general people would not understand
  5.  Convincing people I hope can just be done logically; people will realize that its not a grammatical fallacy or some sort of pandering (looking at the older generations)
      I want to accomplish with this project an education of those that do not understand the use of the singular they pronoun and hopefully convince those that are against using it that there is no solid reason to be,

What else needs to be done
       I think the major reminder many people who make an argument against the use of this pronoun is that its "ungrammatical" when really we use it in everyday speech. I think it's that the second you point out the use of the singular they is for transgender or nonbinary individuals is when people take offense to using it.

     I'm going to be writing a college essay for this project; I'm very comfortable writing in this genre, it might be my best writing actually. Most effective conventions will be word choice and use of credible sources.

Time Period
       This is a more recent debate getting more and more interest and media coverage. I may relate back to some past acceptance or allowance of the singular they to relate but it's mostly a focused in the present issue

Who is Talking
         Lots of blogs are talking about this, and so are academic sources.

Counter Arguments
           Haven't had time to dig through the internet for sources of these counter arguments. But lets just say they're arguments I've heard personally :

  • Against grammar rules
  • Pandering or special treatment 
  • "Can't we just call them an it?" (ah irony)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alexis!
    Here is my peer review for your rhetorical analysis!
    You did a great job and feel free to read my input!
