Sunday, March 6, 2016

Production Schedule

     There's a whole lot to be done to produce this project, and to get it done in a timely manner it would be best for me to schedule my time in timely manner


  • What Needs to Be Done: Record introduction, know for sure what I want to say
  • Where it Should Be Done: The writing for this part can be done anywhere, the recording part needs to be done somewhere silent, the closet in my dorm room is pretty insulated
  • When it Should Be Done: Most likely this need to be done, at least the writing by Tuesday, and the recording done shortly after, either that or the introduction should be done last to make sure to include everything. Should be done: 3/8-3/10
  • Resources: Recording device, Computer, My own voice
  • Completed:
  • Changes Made:


  • What Needs to Be Done: Write script, analyze the genre examples and decide how I want to plan the inclusion of quotes into my speaking and how musical transitions should happen where. The recording for this needs to be done as well soon
  • Where it Should Be Done: Writing will probably happen in the library or even a coffee shop, somewhere to get caffeine to improve my analysis skills, probably start in the afternoon and stay until I'm kicked out. The recording once again should be done in a quiet place to ensure maximum quality
  • When it Should Be Done: Since this is the main part of the work I need to put the most effort into it and it will probably take longer as a whole to complete gonna shoot for being done with this around 3/11
  • Resources: Recording device, Computer, Interviewees Voices, My own Voice
  • Completed:
  • Changes Made:


  • What Needs to Be Done: Sum up the work as a whole, create references, record
  • Where it Should Be Done: The same places as the other ones, probably will be done in conjunction with both or one of the other processes 
  • When it Should Be Done: Because of it's short quality it could be done at any time, but probably after I've done the main body of the project so- 3/11 or 3/12
  • Resources: Recording device, Computer, My own voice
  • Completed:
  • Changes Made:

Other things that need to be done are getting the actual recorder, that due to library policy I can only keep out for three days, if I want to get recording done well in time I should check that out by 3/9 at the latest. Also need to make sure I have an editing sound program that works efficiently.

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