Friday, March 25, 2016

Peer Review for Rigo Avila

      Another project drawing to a close, and once again time to review my peers work, and try to be helpful in any way I can.

The Work Under Review
The first person's work I reviewed was Rigo Avila, and his Script and Podcast 1.

I reviewed his work under the content suggestion review activity; describing to him a way in which a shift in his content could be beneficial to his work. Specifically, I think I helped him possibly have direction in how to make his work less general.

Guideline's Followed?
A course guideline I decided to follow in giving him advice, while not really a written rule as much as emphasized in class rule, is that we're supposed to be specific in our works in this class; specific and detailed. So I wanted to help Rigo by suggesting how he might make his work less general so that there won't be points off for not going into enough depth.

Admiral Admirable
From what I was able to listen to from Rigo's podcast so far, I really admire how he is achieving both a relatable and a more personable persona than I feel I have projected so far. His speech is more engaging and less formal, and it's probably too late to re record everything, it has given me some inspiration on going about integrating other sources.

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