Sunday, March 13, 2016

Production Report 2

     The form of this rough example much like the last is only in proposed script form, and a very rough one at that. It still sticks to the convention as I keep in mind what would be best to say and how this would really translate to speech. 

      A problem within this production step was that I was unsure how to make a good transition from my introduction into the actual main part of the project. 

Outline Item
  • "Common Types of Genres"- Importance because it gives the audience really the context of my analysis.Genres to talk about
    • Research Paper- most common
    • Chapter writing for books
    • Conference Talks

Adaptation of Outline Item

“ To start off the discussion in today’s segment I would like to tell you a little more about the main genres that those in the field of neuroscience predominantly write in. Though there are many types of genres, the ones that I will be focusing on today include scientific research papers, book chapters, and lecture talks. Each of these different genres have a certain context for which they are written and each have their own set of conventions to be recognized. These separate things are each important because they allow us to understand better the writings individually and as a whole the way in which writing is approached within the field; whether that is through a purely logical lens or even a more emotional spin to what is being discussed."

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