Monday, March 28, 2016

Reflection on Finishing Early for Once

        And now project 2 draws to a close, and I must reflect on everything that has happened so far.

       For things going right this week, I think actually most things went how I had hoped they would. Though my blog posts are late my actual project I turned in on time and I'm relatively proud how it turned out in the end. I had the recordings done relatively well and in a timely manner to ensure I could get it all together.

        The challenge for this week like always was time management, however unlike previous weeks I planned effectively. Another challenge was having other things to do, mostly non-school related but necessary of me to get done, that ate away from my project work time.

The Future
         I think with surprisingly well this project turned out that this next project, because I'm choosing to work with a college essay, will be much easier overall.

It's All Over
          I'm quite happy with how the project turned out but I'm still really relieved its over so I can fret about something else for awhile.

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