Sunday, March 6, 2016

Reflections on the Limitation of Hours in a Day

        I can say with certainty that  I do appreciate the new sort of way the blog posts are structured; no photos and everything makes them feel much more efficient and short.

        Well things went relatively right this week, or so I hope. The posts seemed pretty self explanatory and I think I filled them to the necessary requirements but that is unsure if that is true or not at this point. 

         While yes the blog posts are shorter and easier, I still fear I have not done all that was required of me and with the shorter amount it feels as though it is much more likely to have mistakes negatively affect everything. I worry that I did not put enough detail into the work; because life is fickle and to try and pretend this class is everything that can fill up my schedule is a ridiculous assumption to make. It is challenging to find time in the week earlier than the weekend to accomplish the work and it feels like a constant scramble for purchase.

Use Psychic Powers to See the Future
        I would bet as least five dollars that I will have cried over this project at least once by the deadline next Sunday. And although I've made a tentative schedule of the times that I could (read: should) do the work I also know that on each day of the week I will have a more pressing thing due that day, or the next morning, when this isn't due for another entire week. 

         Overall, I'm stressed; but when am I not. I have high hopes that I could do well on this project but it feels like it's more work than I have the ability to put into at the moment. I'm thinking Spring Break will be an interesting Grace period in the middle of the this project that may in the end be the line between a good project and not.

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