Monday, March 14, 2016

Reflection on a Deadline and No Daylight Savings

    I got at least a couple of the blog posts in on time and that is a success for the amount of time I've had to do everything I think. And it's not totally shoddy work for what I might have been expecting of me.

     The challenge with this week is actually accomplishing everything and balancing timing with midterms and packing and planning for traveling for Spring Break. I also don't think I accomplished everything I really needed to but I couldn't really change that now after the fact.

Based on Experiences
    Hopefully next week will not be so overrun with work because after Spring Break there may be a lull of getting back into the groove of everything and then I may be able to actually put the work into this project that it needs.

     Overall this project is going rather poorly, I either have poor time management or I really do not have the time for this on top of everything else. Sleep is certainly an unnecessary human bodily function and my parents want to be able to do things the second break started irregardless of work. They really don't see the point of having work over a break and like to disregard such things.

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