Sunday, March 13, 2016

Production Report 1

Since I have not been able to record yet I instead wrote this out as I would hope to speak it, which will significantly change the tone and how it may sound even though it looks like a solid block of text at this time it will translate with more fluidity into speech

Only having a script, while being an essential part of the project, really is not as far into the project as I should be, and yet that's all I can provide and really achieve as Spring Break has arrived. I think I have a handle on what I will be talking about in this project but there's no telling if I can achieve it as it should be done.

Outline Item
  The opening section should include the explanation on what the podcast is about, Include:
  • Introduction of myself
  • Introduction of my interviewees
  • Need to explain that the project is focusing on the rhetorical strategies and context of writings within my field of study.

Adaptation of Outline Item

*chill music*

“ Hello listeners and welcome to this segment on rhetorical strategies in writings in the field of Neuroscience and other biological sciences. I’m Alexis, your host for this segment.Today you’ll get to hear from some of the top professors in the field, Dr. Alan Nighorn and Dr. Anna Dornhaus. The focus in this podcast will be on the different rhetorical strategies apparent in different forms of writings in the fields of neuroscience and other biological sciences,Some of these strategies include the audience the works were targeted towards and some of the ways in which the authors articulated their ideas. The different writing genres that I will discuss with you today include scientific research papers and conference talks, staples to any scientist's repertoire.”

*transitional music of some sort*

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