Thursday, March 31, 2016

Rhetorical Analysis of Project 3

      Project 2 ends...... And almost immediately is the next project. At least each project is a large step towards the end of my first semester in college. So here's the synopsis for Project 3:

     I feel pretty assured about this project actually, Since it's an argument and I did a very multi media genre last project, I'm only doing a standard college essay for this project. What we did in class was exceptionally helpful to my complete understanding of the project and what sort of focus or subject matter it should be on.

      I have a lot of interest in the subject I am going to work with in this project; the singular pronoun They. The interest in this subject is both personal and connected to a lot of societal/political interests as well. As a member of the LGBT+ community and having many friends in the community as well, this subject is close to home since many of my friends prefer this gender neutral pronoun.
       Along with that as more and more of the LGBT+ community is "normalized" it makes sense socially for us  to be able to not only address people we do not know in a gender neutral way, but also people we do know without the use of "he/she" that ignores those that do not identify specifically with a gender.

       A personal bias that I might bring to this project is that I firmly believe that the singular they is both grammatically accurate and completely acceptable for everyday use I hope to just play on that to to have a focus on how the issue may not be acceptable in either of these places.


  1. The audience for this work will hopefully be anyone that is either interested in learning more about how to use the singular they pronouns, or people that already know about the subject but wish to understand the arguments behind it a bit better.
  2. The beliefs and assumptions for the audience for this work may be a wide range. It could be those staunchly against any use of they as a singular pronoun,or it could be those that are incredibly for the use of the singular they, and perhaps even those in use of it for themselves. I want to make sure that I address all these views.
  3. Because of the variation in specific audience, the reactions by those in my audience may also be prone to wildly fluctuating. 
  4. To relate to the audience I want to not use too many terms that general people would not understand
  5.  Convincing people I hope can just be done logically; people will realize that its not a grammatical fallacy or some sort of pandering (looking at the older generations)
      I want to accomplish with this project an education of those that do not understand the use of the singular they pronoun and hopefully convince those that are against using it that there is no solid reason to be,

What else needs to be done
       I think the major reminder many people who make an argument against the use of this pronoun is that its "ungrammatical" when really we use it in everyday speech. I think it's that the second you point out the use of the singular they is for transgender or nonbinary individuals is when people take offense to using it.

     I'm going to be writing a college essay for this project; I'm very comfortable writing in this genre, it might be my best writing actually. Most effective conventions will be word choice and use of credible sources.

Time Period
       This is a more recent debate getting more and more interest and media coverage. I may relate back to some past acceptance or allowance of the singular they to relate but it's mostly a focused in the present issue

Who is Talking
         Lots of blogs are talking about this, and so are academic sources.

Counter Arguments
           Haven't had time to dig through the internet for sources of these counter arguments. But lets just say they're arguments I've heard personally :

  • Against grammar rules
  • Pandering or special treatment 
  • "Can't we just call them an it?" (ah irony)

Monday, March 28, 2016

Another Editorial Report

      As with any work, the final cut is different than the beginning rough draft, and with my work it's no different.

Content Change
       The content that was changed within this section of words includes some additional words before the laser puller citation, emphasizing parts of it. Along with that I added a few words to the last paragraph to emphasize the importance of the citations towards ethical appeals

Form Change
         The form changes echo much of the last report. I added music to give the section a more entertaining flow and a happier mood. The quotes from the paper are read by a different person to give the listener's some variation to hopefully keep interest.

Selection from Rough Cut

There are citations on both the filament and the laser pull used. For the filament it is referenced as:

(1 mm outer diameter, 0.58 mm internal diameter, Sutter Instruments Co., Novato, CA)

And the laser puller is from:

(P-2000, Sutter Instruments Co., Novato, CA)

These credible sources are important towards ethical appeals because they back up the author’s claims and help prove that the findings from this research are true and have repeatable results, which are very important to statistical power and research being accurate.

Re-Edited Selection

Edited Section

Editorial Report

      As with any work, the final cut is different than the beginning rough draft, and with my work it's no different.

Content Change
       The content changed in a couple ways, primarily the change in content was putting in a full quote by Dr. Nighorn instead of just a rough summary quote that I had considered using.

Form Change
        The form changed in many ways, I actually recorded it so it became in the correct form for the genre that I had been writing for instead of just a rough script. Also in addition of just recording the writing in my voice, the inclusion of background music and Dr. Nighorn's quote helped fit the form.

Selection from Rough Cut

“However we could discuss the general all day, to get to the more specific we will discuss the paper “Local interneuron diversity in the primary olfactory center of the moth Manduca sexta”, the authors of which are  Carolina E. Reisenman, Andrew M. Dacks, John G. Hildebrand, for as Dr. Nighorn said “[there is no solo authoring in the field]”.

Re-Edited Selection

Edited Section

Reflection on Finishing Early for Once

        And now project 2 draws to a close, and I must reflect on everything that has happened so far.

       For things going right this week, I think actually most things went how I had hoped they would. Though my blog posts are late my actual project I turned in on time and I'm relatively proud how it turned out in the end. I had the recordings done relatively well and in a timely manner to ensure I could get it all together.

        The challenge for this week like always was time management, however unlike previous weeks I planned effectively. Another challenge was having other things to do, mostly non-school related but necessary of me to get done, that ate away from my project work time.

The Future
         I think with surprisingly well this project turned out that this next project, because I'm choosing to work with a college essay, will be much easier overall.

It's All Over
          I'm quite happy with how the project turned out but I'm still really relieved its over so I can fret about something else for awhile.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Peer Review for Rigo Avila

      Another project drawing to a close, and once again time to review my peers work, and try to be helpful in any way I can.

The Work Under Review
The first person's work I reviewed was Rigo Avila, and his Script and Podcast 1.

I reviewed his work under the content suggestion review activity; describing to him a way in which a shift in his content could be beneficial to his work. Specifically, I think I helped him possibly have direction in how to make his work less general.

Guideline's Followed?
A course guideline I decided to follow in giving him advice, while not really a written rule as much as emphasized in class rule, is that we're supposed to be specific in our works in this class; specific and detailed. So I wanted to help Rigo by suggesting how he might make his work less general so that there won't be points off for not going into enough depth.

Admiral Admirable
From what I was able to listen to from Rigo's podcast so far, I really admire how he is achieving both a relatable and a more personable persona than I feel I have projected so far. His speech is more engaging and less formal, and it's probably too late to re record everything, it has given me some inspiration on going about integrating other sources.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

       I'm definitely a week late on this, but better late than never!

       The post-production week is gonna be a hard time, I'm anticipating a lot of work ahead of me and a lot of stress, luckily some of my classes are cancelled so I may have all the time I need to get everything done well and accurately.

Key Info
       The important thing to know is that obviously the project is very far from completion, but it also is important to regard that the fields of writing I'm encompassing, while both scientific, are different and so that complicates everything a little.

       My weakness with this project is I'm severely behind schedule with it, besides that my first interviewee never gave me genre examples so I've just had to pick some hoping that they are good enough for what I need.

       My strengths in this project is that I've created podcasts before, I know what sounds good and how they should be put together to be attractive sounding and hopefully not too boring.

Rough Copy

Here is a partial audio of the rough copy, it hasn't been edited and there's no music and a large section is missing, but you can listen to it now at least!


Monday, March 14, 2016

Reflection on a Deadline and No Daylight Savings

    I got at least a couple of the blog posts in on time and that is a success for the amount of time I've had to do everything I think. And it's not totally shoddy work for what I might have been expecting of me.

     The challenge with this week is actually accomplishing everything and balancing timing with midterms and packing and planning for traveling for Spring Break. I also don't think I accomplished everything I really needed to but I couldn't really change that now after the fact.

Based on Experiences
    Hopefully next week will not be so overrun with work because after Spring Break there may be a lull of getting back into the groove of everything and then I may be able to actually put the work into this project that it needs.

     Overall this project is going rather poorly, I either have poor time management or I really do not have the time for this on top of everything else. Sleep is certainly an unnecessary human bodily function and my parents want to be able to do things the second break started irregardless of work. They really don't see the point of having work over a break and like to disregard such things.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Production Report 2

     The form of this rough example much like the last is only in proposed script form, and a very rough one at that. It still sticks to the convention as I keep in mind what would be best to say and how this would really translate to speech. 

      A problem within this production step was that I was unsure how to make a good transition from my introduction into the actual main part of the project. 

Outline Item
  • "Common Types of Genres"- Importance because it gives the audience really the context of my analysis.Genres to talk about
    • Research Paper- most common
    • Chapter writing for books
    • Conference Talks

Adaptation of Outline Item

“ To start off the discussion in today’s segment I would like to tell you a little more about the main genres that those in the field of neuroscience predominantly write in. Though there are many types of genres, the ones that I will be focusing on today include scientific research papers, book chapters, and lecture talks. Each of these different genres have a certain context for which they are written and each have their own set of conventions to be recognized. These separate things are each important because they allow us to understand better the writings individually and as a whole the way in which writing is approached within the field; whether that is through a purely logical lens or even a more emotional spin to what is being discussed."

Production Report 1

Since I have not been able to record yet I instead wrote this out as I would hope to speak it, which will significantly change the tone and how it may sound even though it looks like a solid block of text at this time it will translate with more fluidity into speech

Only having a script, while being an essential part of the project, really is not as far into the project as I should be, and yet that's all I can provide and really achieve as Spring Break has arrived. I think I have a handle on what I will be talking about in this project but there's no telling if I can achieve it as it should be done.

Outline Item
  The opening section should include the explanation on what the podcast is about, Include:
  • Introduction of myself
  • Introduction of my interviewees
  • Need to explain that the project is focusing on the rhetorical strategies and context of writings within my field of study.

Adaptation of Outline Item

*chill music*

“ Hello listeners and welcome to this segment on rhetorical strategies in writings in the field of Neuroscience and other biological sciences. I’m Alexis, your host for this segment.Today you’ll get to hear from some of the top professors in the field, Dr. Alan Nighorn and Dr. Anna Dornhaus. The focus in this podcast will be on the different rhetorical strategies apparent in different forms of writings in the fields of neuroscience and other biological sciences,Some of these strategies include the audience the works were targeted towards and some of the ways in which the authors articulated their ideas. The different writing genres that I will discuss with you today include scientific research papers and conference talks, staples to any scientist's repertoire.”

*transitional music of some sort*

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Reflections on the Limitation of Hours in a Day

        I can say with certainty that  I do appreciate the new sort of way the blog posts are structured; no photos and everything makes them feel much more efficient and short.

        Well things went relatively right this week, or so I hope. The posts seemed pretty self explanatory and I think I filled them to the necessary requirements but that is unsure if that is true or not at this point. 

         While yes the blog posts are shorter and easier, I still fear I have not done all that was required of me and with the shorter amount it feels as though it is much more likely to have mistakes negatively affect everything. I worry that I did not put enough detail into the work; because life is fickle and to try and pretend this class is everything that can fill up my schedule is a ridiculous assumption to make. It is challenging to find time in the week earlier than the weekend to accomplish the work and it feels like a constant scramble for purchase.

Use Psychic Powers to See the Future
        I would bet as least five dollars that I will have cried over this project at least once by the deadline next Sunday. And although I've made a tentative schedule of the times that I could (read: should) do the work I also know that on each day of the week I will have a more pressing thing due that day, or the next morning, when this isn't due for another entire week. 

         Overall, I'm stressed; but when am I not. I have high hopes that I could do well on this project but it feels like it's more work than I have the ability to put into at the moment. I'm thinking Spring Break will be an interesting Grace period in the middle of the this project that may in the end be the line between a good project and not.

Production Schedule

     There's a whole lot to be done to produce this project, and to get it done in a timely manner it would be best for me to schedule my time in timely manner


  • What Needs to Be Done: Record introduction, know for sure what I want to say
  • Where it Should Be Done: The writing for this part can be done anywhere, the recording part needs to be done somewhere silent, the closet in my dorm room is pretty insulated
  • When it Should Be Done: Most likely this need to be done, at least the writing by Tuesday, and the recording done shortly after, either that or the introduction should be done last to make sure to include everything. Should be done: 3/8-3/10
  • Resources: Recording device, Computer, My own voice
  • Completed:
  • Changes Made:


  • What Needs to Be Done: Write script, analyze the genre examples and decide how I want to plan the inclusion of quotes into my speaking and how musical transitions should happen where. The recording for this needs to be done as well soon
  • Where it Should Be Done: Writing will probably happen in the library or even a coffee shop, somewhere to get caffeine to improve my analysis skills, probably start in the afternoon and stay until I'm kicked out. The recording once again should be done in a quiet place to ensure maximum quality
  • When it Should Be Done: Since this is the main part of the work I need to put the most effort into it and it will probably take longer as a whole to complete gonna shoot for being done with this around 3/11
  • Resources: Recording device, Computer, Interviewees Voices, My own Voice
  • Completed:
  • Changes Made:


  • What Needs to Be Done: Sum up the work as a whole, create references, record
  • Where it Should Be Done: The same places as the other ones, probably will be done in conjunction with both or one of the other processes 
  • When it Should Be Done: Because of it's short quality it could be done at any time, but probably after I've done the main body of the project so- 3/11 or 3/12
  • Resources: Recording device, Computer, My own voice
  • Completed:
  • Changes Made:

Other things that need to be done are getting the actual recorder, that due to library policy I can only keep out for three days, if I want to get recording done well in time I should check that out by 3/9 at the latest. Also need to make sure I have an editing sound program that works efficiently.

Content Outline

     To begin the work on this project it would be best to outline what I want the final project to have content wise. 
Content Outline