Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Setting

Brian. "The space" 11/28/2014 via Flickr.
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic
      Bringing together important people in academia from around the world who have important professorships and administrative roles it is easy to accept that there could not be one specific physical place that this research could have gone down to produce the big event described. Rather the expanse of the interactive world can be seen as the large playing field for which the giants in their fields came together to form a great work. The imagined scape of the internet is much more fantastical than the physical aspects that comprised the true surroundings of the seven authors of this work. Offices of varying size, desks of varying levels of clutter and cleanliness, differing amount of caffeine intake of various preferred types; personally made tea in mug and traveling cups, hot black coffee made communally, overly sugared drinks from popular chains; these would have been the day to day of research for the authors of the scientific paper, between their classes and other obligations of course.
       While it is true that most of the authors were too scattered for it to be physical meeting places about half of the researchers were located in the UK and two of those at the very least located in the University of Bristol. For them it was probably on certain days of research best to collaborate; a meeting room, an office, to talk over what had been discovered. For the playing field that is the world wide web such situations again would have come in to play, a setting often used in such situations is the video conference; with so many authors in such differing places there would have been conflicts of scheduling, some calls for some in their mornings and the others late into the night, sharing finding over first cups of coffee and nightcaps.
       Although there may not be some shared specific physical setting this does not take away the fact that these things happened in all their undisclosed places to bring about the final main event, and its setting? The internet.

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