Sunday, February 21, 2016

Local Revision: Variety

     Variety adds spice to life, it would not be exciting if everything stayed exactly the same like some monolithic writing. So it is important to review work for that certain spice that is variation in not only word choice but sentence structure.

Where's the Variance?
        Within my QRG there seems to be a great variety of sentence structure, both of complex compound sentences and the simple few word sentences. There are without a doubt repeated sentence structures but I don't think they are repeated in a way to be too repetitive or monotonous.

Paul. "Lattice Variations" 03/04/2012 via Flickr.
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic

A Pair of Graphs?
         The paragraphs within my QRG are very important. Since the conventions of the QRG require multiple paragraphs of a shorter length but in varying ways so it doesn't feel to the reader that they're just reading the same paragraph over again. Each specific paragraph does not really have transition words because instead there are transition titles between sections that are more important for the change between topics.

Flavor of the Words
       The words within my paper are varying in their variation; some words within the QRG are extremely different, but as shown with my use of verbs it may not be the most exciting sort of words I could use. I don't know if it is the most flavorful of QRG with the primarily scientific and statistical level of information that is being passed down to the audience.

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