Saturday, February 20, 2016

My Verbs

Siegel, Rebecca. "RSiegel_week3 - Pure Verb"
01/20/2012 via Flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic
Now presenting, the Verbs:
  1. Relates
  2. lack
  3. was
  4. published
  5. would
  6. question
  7. based
  8. would
  9. lead
  10. are
  11. does
  12. have
  13. wrote
  14. named
  15. studying
  16. are
  17. connected to
  18. is
  19. turns 
  20. to be
  21. hold
  22. are
  23. ruined
  24. Connecting
  25. allowed
  26. to be able
  27. to analyze
  28. to get
  29. made
  30. would
  31. come
  32. to be
  33. came
  34. to find
  35. have
  36. used
  37. headed
  38. became 
  39. intrigued 
  40. conducted
  41. seemed
  42. to have
  43. came
  44. to show
  45. can be
  46. does
  47. reach
  48. Commenting
  49. Behind
  50. reject
  51. is
  52. reflects
  53. has
  54. are
  55. contrasting
  56. combining
  57. to provide
  58. shows
  59. affects
  60. relating
  61. is
  62. produced
  63. comes
  64. is
  65. means
  66. is
  67. making
  68. combined
  69. are
  70. exacerbated
  71. to insure
  72. were getting
  73. examined
  74. applied
  75. Finding
  76. had
  77. drew
  78. can be
  79. allows
  80. to be
  81. inflated
  82. causing
  83. close
  84. would
  85. lead
  86. being 
  87. addressed
  88. fixed
  89. represents
  90. lie 
  91. was
  92. to be
  93. should be
  94. became
  95. was
  96. to blame
  97. undermined
  98. was
  99. published
  100. were
  101. published
  102. stands
  103. stems
  104. published
  105. argues
  106. are
  107. having
  108. disagrees
  109. says
  110. is
  111. to be
  112. waste
  113. gathered
  114. agrees
  115. is
  116. says
  117. is
  118. may prove
  119. to be
  120. is
  121. surrounds
  122. has
  123. become
  124. skewed
  125. should be
  126. being
  127. disagreeing
  128. seem
  129. to hold
  130. proving
  131. to be
  132. get
  133. is
  134. made
  135. made
  136. mapping
  137. announces
  138. to fund
  139. did
  140. take
  141. had
  142. to uphold
  143. made
  144. reiterate
  145. is
  146. could be
  147. Means
  148. against
  149. have
  150. come up
  151. could fix
  152. change
  153. used
  154. use
  155. increase
  156. acknowledge
  157. to start
  158. moving
  159. made
  160. went
  161. had
  162. is
  163. say
  164. brought
  165. arguing
  166. is
  167. is
  168. have been
  169. made
  170. to resolve
  171. will
  172. reach
  173. is
does- 2, is-14, reach-2, have-5, had-3 , has- 2, published- 4, was-5, would-4, made- 6, lead-2, are-6, to be-8, should be-2, can be-2, say(s)-3, means-2, use(d)-3, connect(ed/ing)-2, come(s)-3, beca(o)me-3,  seem(ed)-2, being-2, argue(ing)-2, prove(ing)-2, hold- 2, show-2. get(ing)-3.

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